We are happy to support Janesville and Rock County, WI
More for Your Money Radio Show
Our commitment goes farther than being a service provider. We also are deeply committed to helping people get educated about their finances. There are just too many people who are not aware of basic financial concepts, and it doesn’t have to be that way.
We’ve been helping educate and keep Rock County residents excited about investing and smart planning through our radio show, More for your Money. This show can be heard LIVE every Saturday morning on WCLO/92.7FM.
Supporting Great Local Organizations
At Uncommon Cents Investing, we believe in giving back and making an impact. We also think that is done most effectively locally, in our own community. We’re proud to sponsor the following local groups:
Janesville Jets
The Janesville Jets is a community-oriented North American Hockey League team that provides sports fans and families fast-paced and affordable entertainment while helping talented hockey players develop into admirable young men and eventually collegiate student-athletes.
Janesville Youth Baseball and Softball Association
Our mission at JYBSA is to provide a safe, enjoyable and rewarding opportunity for boys and girls ages 5 to 15 to participate in the great sports of T-ball, baseball, and softball.
Friends Of Noah
Friends of Noah-WI is a volunteer-based Wisconsin dog and cat rescue organization. We invest in our community on many different levels. Not only do we rescue animals in critical need, but we also help change the conditions that contribute to homeless pets in the first place.